crystal power

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Crystals are naturally occurring arrangements of minerals forming distinctive, geometric shapes. The beauty and unexpected order of crystals have long fascinated people and there are many artefacts from cultures around the world that contain crystals. Crystals have long been associated with magical cyrstal power.

In recent years, particularly with the rise of the New Age movement, myths concerning the healing powers of crystals have been reintroduced to society. Proponents claim that the healing properties of crystals rely on 'energy' that crystals are supposed to give off and that this energy exerts subtle influences on the body, realigning the bodies 'energy' into more harmonious, natural and healthy patterns.

The problem with this is that, despite countless detailed studies, science has not identified any energies that could possibly be the healing energy proposed by the crystal healers. Some crystal healers claim that the Piezoelectric Effect, known to science, is the energy responsible. This claim does not hold up to examination on at least two counts: this effect can only be generated under very specific conditions (the crystal has to be cut into thin slices at particular orientations to the crystal axes) and most types of crystals that crystals healers use cannot generate a piezoelectric effect anyway.

Crystal healings may offer some assistance to some ailments, particularly emotional or psychological disturbances, but these healings are achieved as psychosomatic responses rather than through any direct effects from the properties of a crystal.

In this episode of the Correx Archives, I talk with a crystal salesperson to find out what some of the claimed healing properties of various crystals are. Barry Williams of the Australian Skeptics explains why crystal healings don't work and Ross Pogson of the Australian Museum uses his years of experience in handling crystals to explain some of the science of mineralogy, the study of crystals.


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