crystal power

Sunday, August 12, 2007

choosing the right crystal for your own wear

Crystals are Mother Earth's gifts to us and it has been used for a thousand years before and are a living energy. Crystal are said to have its own power as people used it as a healing, meditation and protection and of other uses such as decoration and some combine it with other jewerlly to make it looks beautiful.

As our lives have energy force that called chakras and we have seven major chakras and each has its specific function and most healers used crystal to help realign chakras for healing process. Crystal has it own fuction like for example, diamonds is an amplifier and purifie, Emeralds helps to turn into positively from negativity.
As you can observe crystal lovers will know what kinds of crystal sued them best and what them want to place in their home or office. Like if he want strengthen then he will wear or place rubies (red), blue ( topazes) bring clarity and green (jade) for emotional, gold for courage, and black deflects negativity, white ( diamonds) amplifier and purifier. If you drawn to that one crystal that is your best choose when choosing the right crystal.
