crystal power

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Red crystal power

According to the feng shui experts, crystals are just wonderful for activating a positive flow of Chi to actualize all your wishes. The crystal or wish-fulfilling jewel in RED is perfect for creating the energies you need for success in the public arena.

If you are an aspiring actor, musician, artist, writer or public figure that needs fame for success, this color of crystal will help to realize your ambitions. Or if you are looking for recognition for your talents and your efforts, use this RED crystal to help you in that. You'll astonist by the crystal power.

When you want to position or place the crystal, you can try to focus your thoughts and make your wish. Keep one jewel per wish, or to help realize the fruition of one project. Then display in the South corner of your room or office, because South is the direction of fame and recognition. Or else, you display the red crystal in front of you on your desk. It'll work fine.

yellow crystal

Crstals are wonderful for activating a positive flow of energy or 'CHI' (in chinese wording) to actualize all your wishes. The crystal or wish-fulfilling jewel in YELLOW is perfect for creating wealth-bringing energies to you. The yellow crystal such as citrines and yellow sapphires, yellow topaz and etc.

You gotta belive this...This yellow crystal will help realize your aspirations in projects that will bring you money and wealth. When you unwrap your crstal, you'll need to center your thoughts and make your wish. Remember, be specific!

Keep one crystal or jewel per wish, for each jewel should be used to help realize the fruition of one project, in order to keep the energies focused. Then display in front of you on your desk.

Friday, October 13, 2006

useful of crystal

You should be able to find several indispensable facts about crystal power in the following paragraphs. If there's at least one fact you didn't know before, imagine the difference it might make.

Crystals are naturally occurring arrangements of minerals forming distinctive, geometric shapes. The beauty and unexpected order of crystals have long fascinated people and there are many artefacts from cultures around the world that contain crystals. Crystals have long been associated with magical powers.

In recent years, particularly with the rise of the New Age movement, myths concerning the healing powers of crystals have been reintroduced to society. Proponents claim that the healing properties of crystals rely on 'energy' that crystals are supposed to give off and that this energy exerts subtle influences on the body, realigning the bodies 'energy' into more harmonious, natural and healthy patterns.

The problem with this is that, despite countless detailed studies, science has not identified any energies that could possibly be the healing energy proposed by the crystal healers. Some crystal healers claim that the Piezoelectric Effect, known to science, is the energy responsible. This claim does not hold up to examination on at least two counts: this effect can only be generated under very specific conditions (the crystal has to be cut into thin slices at particular orientations to the crystal axes) and most types of crystals that crystals healers use cannot generate a piezoelectric effect anyway.

If you base what you do on inaccurate information, you might be unpleasantly surprised by the consequences. Make sure you get the whole crystal power story from informed sources.
Crystal healings may offer some assistance to some ailments, particularly emotional or psychological disturbances, but these healings are achieved as psychosomatic responses rather than through any direct effects from the properties of a crystal.

In this episode of the Correx Archives, I talk with a crystal salesperson to find out what some of the claimed healing properties of various crystals are. Barry Williams of the Australian Skeptics explains why crystal healings don't work and Ross Pogson of the Australian Museum uses his years of experience in handling crystals to explain some of the science of mineralogy, the study of crystals.

There's no doubt that the topic of crystal power can be fascinating. If you still have unanswered questions about crystal power , you may find what you're looking for in the next article.

Monday, October 09, 2006

the power of crystal

There are a lot of people who think that crystals have power. They don't. They have amplifying, absorbing and other properties or functions for the advanced healer and a clairvoyant channel. Crystals are only tools which extend the power of intent of the healer and a medium.

From my 20 years experience as a Traditional Chinese medical practitioner and a pranic crystal healer for close to a decade, I have used my encoded crystals to amplify my prana or Qi with or without the use of acupuncture needles. Another property of the crystals I have noticed many times is its absorbing or cleansing property. My patients who are sensitive to my prana or Qi I am channeling have noticed the increase or magnification of the prana whenever I pass or point my quartz wand over the chakras or acupuncture points of my patient I'm treating. They have noticed also that whenever I intentionally want to cleanse the negative entities or energy around the areas of their body, they felt a sense of release or calmness. Therefore, from my clinical perspective, crystals do amplify or strengthen the Qi or prana and absorb or cleanse the negative entities or energy of the patient which are necessary for healing to occur.

As a clairvoyant channel, Melchizedek Method and Holographic Sound Healing facilitator, my encoded Earth Keeper crystal and crystal bowl amplify my merkabah field a 1000th fold which enable me to contact the fifth dimension where the spirit world is and amplify my distant healing treatments a 1000th fold.

Another very interesting property of crystals is its close affinity to our body elementals and to the earth which build the energy of our base chakra at the base of the spine where most people have depleted due to inherent weakness, stress, low immune system defenses, negative thoughtforms and emotions, and drug addiction. Because of the crystals affinity to earth, it grounds a person's kidney energy through our feet way up to the base chakra. This property or function of crystals when used for healing and mediumship by a trained healer and medium - Kamadon master or Holographic Sound Healer - accomplishes what other system of healing only dream about.

There are a lot of skeptics out there who think that all these talk about the crystals power are all wishful thinking. I say that they are only half-right and half-wrong. The proof is in the results of my spiritual and clinical experiences, and research which I am elaborating in this website. They are half-right in that crystals don't have power by themselves. They are are half-wrong because the power attributed to crystals should be attributed rightly to the inherent developed power of the healer/ medium using the encoded crystals as a tool for the extension of power being channeled.